
Who we are

Agricola Lodge is a traditional Freemasons lodge, situated in the heart of York, near Clifford's Tower.
Our lodge meets at Castlegate House, an historic Georgian building built in 1764 which is full of charm and character.
Our membership of around 40 is diverse and enables men from different backgrounds and age groups to socialise as equals.


What do we do?

We have a meeting every month where we conduct our masonic business. This might include a ceremony such as the initiation or advancement of a new member.
After the ceremony in the lodge room, or "temple", has ended, we retire to our private bar for a drink and then take our seats in the dining room for a three course meal. Here we relax, enjoy each others’ company, discuss our common interests and strengthen our bonds of friendship.
The evening's festivities usually draw to a close between 22:00 and 22:30.
We also have two rehearsals during the month (called instruction lodges). These are much less formal meetings where we practice our masonic ceremonies. New members are very welcome (and encouraged) to attend but
they are in no way compulsory.



Finally, it would be remiss of us not to mention that our lodge also welcomes our wives, partners, family and friends
to many of our social functions and events.
(See calendar page for this years events!)

Further Information

Dress Code:

Regular meetings:
Dinner suit and black tie.

Instruction lodge:

Social events:

A list of proposed events is compiled each year, the main event is our ladies night which takes the form of a dinner dance at a local venue.
Other events include fish & chips evenings,
Remembrance Sunday dinners and other themed events throughout the year such as ghost walks or river cruises.


New to Freemasonry?
Initiation fee £133
Annual Subscription £215

Already a Mason? 
Joining fee £50 
Annual subscription £215

Ideal Candidates:

Good men, settled in their working and home life and with the free time to attend their lodge meetings.

Agricola Lodge No. 1991 - Castlegate House, Castlegate, York.

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